Friday, October 4, 2013

Social Media & Engagement at it's Finest: Red Bull & GoPro

With social media becoming an ever increasing part of a companies marketing toolbox, everybody wants to know how to do it right. Obviously for every company there is a different answer to this question, however there are some great examples to follow.

Nobody wants to "follow" that guy on who tweets 1,000 time a day and there is no need to follow anyone who tweets once a week. So where is the happy medium? People on Facebook may "like" a company because they enjoy their product, but they aren't going to be engaged with the company if they are inactive. Likewise if their news feed is getting blown up by updates a consumer won't appreciate that much either.

Red Bull and GoPro are very effective at using social media to engage with their consumer and keep their brand image in mind. They use intriguing content such as pictures and videos, or quotes to get you thinking.
GoPro Specifically has contests such as the "Photo of the Day," "Video of the Day," and  "Everything we Make" contests. In the Everything they make contest, each participant fills out a very simple survey on their site and each day a participant wins everything GoPro makes. In the Photo/Video of the Day contests, people submit their own unique images and photos (taken with a GoPro camera of course) to GoPro. If they win, their photo is broadcast to all of GoPro's fans and followers on Facebook and Twitter:
Obviously the example of giving things away can get expensive and isn't feasible for everybody, however the photo/video of the day is relatively simple and drives consumer involvement with the company and the products and services it provides.

Red Bull also has twitter accounts for most of the big U.S. cities to make sure the content they are talking about is relevant to the users around them. This way they also make sure not to blow up your twitter feed!

With these constant social media campaigns in place consumers always know what to expect, that is fun and exciting pictures, videos, quotes, and ideas. On the other hand Red Bull and GoPro get awesome (free) content from their fans like the photo/videos of the day.

I'm not sure what more you could want.

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